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Англійська мова 8 клас Стайрінг відповіді

ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас Стайрінг

Сторінка 10:

Вправа 1:
Lucas is describing his brother.
Alfie is describing his sister.
Alina is describing his grandpa.

Вправа 2:
Age: elderly, middle-aged, teenage, in his/her (early/late) twenties/thirties
Looks: attractive, good-looking, handsome, pretty
Hair: bald, curly, dark, fair, grey, straight

Вправа 3:
Yes, the description matches Alfie.

Вправа 4:
1. I think Lucas is really polite. For instance, when he wants to borrow something, he always says please.
2. My brother’s called Alfie. He takes my things without asking. He thinks he’s funny, but he doesn’t make me laugh!
3. Alina is very friendly. I see her every morning when she’s on her way to school. She always says hello.
4. Alfie talks a lot – like his mum! He’s sometimes a bit careless with homework. I try to encourage him to check it, but he doesn’t always do it.
5. Alina is a great friend. She’s always smiling, and she’s never miserable. She really makes me laugh.
6. Lucas knows what he’s good at, so he’s quite a confident boy. He can also be quite a lazy person though. His room is always really untidy!

Вправа 5:
careless – careful
friendly – unfriendly
polite – rude
funny – serious
confident – shy
miserable – cheerful

Вправа 6:
I think I am friendly, polite, and careful. Sometimes, I can be a little shy.

Вправа 7:
– He's got curly hair and he's very funny.
– Is it Tom?

Сторінка 11:

Вправа 1:
1. Yes, we have something similar in our school. There is a website where students can find information about events, homework, and school news.
2. I think it's a great idea because it helps students stay informed and organized. It also makes communication between teachers and students easier.

Вправа 2:
Lucas – technology
Alina – fitness
Alfie – going to the cinema

Вправа 3:
1. can
2. of
3. them
4. on
5. one
6. to

Вправа 4:
1. Alina agrees with other people about her personality.
2. Alfie would like to go to another country.
3. Lucas might get a prize soon.

Вправа 5:
taking part – be involved in an activity with other people
only child – someone with no brothers or sisters
code – write computer programs
patient – able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when something takes a long time
I'm into – be very interested in something
making progress – become better

Who would you most like to spend time with – Alfie, Lucas or Alina? Why?
I would like to spend time with Lucas because I like computers and gaming.

Is it important to have the same interests as your friends? Why? / Why not?
Not always. Different interests make friendships more interesting.

Сторінка 12

Вправа 1
1 – a
2 – d
3 – a
4 – c
5 – e

Вправа 2
1. Mum is working late this week.
2. Look at Dan. He isn’t concentrating.
3. She plays the guitar and the piano.
4. **He always goes swimming on Saturdays.

Вправа 3
- Present Continuous (PC): at the moment, right now, this month/term/week
- Present Simple (PS): never, sometimes, always, every day/week/year, on Saturdays, at weekends
- Future (often with Present Continuous or Simple): later, tomorrow, tonight, next week/weekend/month

Вправа 4
1. I always do my homework after school.
2. Right now, I am studying English.
3. On Saturdays, I play football with my friends.
4. This week, I am working on a school project.
5. Tomorrow, I will visit my grandparents.
6. Every year, my family goes on vacation in summer.

Вправа 5
believe – to think something is true
hate – to strongly dislike something
know – to have knowledge about something
like – to enjoy something
love – to have strong positive feelings about something
mean – to signify something
need – to require something
own – to have something as property
prefer – to like something more than another
understand – to know the meaning of something
want – to desire something

Вправа 6
1. Ruby’s very friendly. We really like her.
2. I don’t know how old he is. He looks about 14.
3. What does this word mean?
4. I’m feeling miserable today. I hate cold weather.
5. You’re speaking too quickly and I don’t understand you.

Вправа 7
1. We’re having problems with the computers at the moment.
2. I need some new shoes.
3. Tonight she’s going to the cinema.
4. This term I’m having some art lessons.
5. I never forget my keys.
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...хз 25.03.2025 - 22:07
Вау просто супер 3 роки списую ніхто і не помічає😏😝
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Повилитель анчоусов 25.03.2025 - 21:15
Гімназія недогарки всем привет
Господин 25.03.2025 - 20:32
діти в коментарях такі оригінальні
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Шо твориться ?
Піпідастр 25.03.2025 - 17:27
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