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Англійська мова 8 клас Мітчелл 2025 відповіді

ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас Мітчелл 2025

Сторінка 5:

Where can you find the following in this module? Go through the module and find the pictures.
Де можна знайти наступне в цьому модулі? Пройдіть модуль і знайдіть зображення.
А – page 15 Б – page 12 С – page 9 D – page 6 E – page 11

Сторінка 6:

Вправа 1
А. Подивіться на останню картинку і здогадайтеся. Чому, на вашу думку, Білл, Стю, Емі та Лів здивовані? Послухайте діалоги і перевірте свої відповіді. Потім прочитайте їх у групах.
They are surprised because they walked a long distance without realizing it. They were talking about school and didn't notice how far they had gone.

1 – T
2 – T
3 – T
4 – F

Сторінка 7:

Вправа 2:
А. Подивіться на шкільні приміщення нижче. Які інші приміщення є у вашій школі?
Other school facilities may include a library, computer room, science lab, gym, cafeteria, art room, and playground.

1. When parents or a tutor teach a child at the child’s house, it is called homeschooling.
2. Students train as athletes and take regular classes in sports schools.
3. At boarding schools, students live at the school during term time.
4. Students who attend music schools learn an instrument and study to become musicians.

Other school rules may include:
- Wear the school uniform properly.
- Keep the classroom and school clean.
- Do not use mobile phones during lessons.
- Be kind and helpful to others.
- Raise your hand before speaking in class.

Вправа 3:
1. Gavin rarely uses his computer to surf the Net. He usually plays computer games. He is playing a basketball game at the moment.

2. A: Can you help me with this maths question? I don’t understand it.
B: In a minute. I am helping Michael now.

Вправа 4:
1. Brian and Rosie have a math test on Friday.
2. Brian didn’t get a good mark in the last test.
3. The bus is often crowded at five o’clock.
4. Brian and Rosie are meeting in the library to study.

Сторінка 8

Вправа 1
1. Hurry up! You’re going to miss your karate class.
2. John and I attend the same course. We’re classmates and best friends.
3. My brother is nervous because he is taking his English exam tomorrow. If he passes, our parents are going to let him go to London with our cousins.
4. Unfortunately, I failed the chemistry exam. I hope to get good results in my physics exam.

Вправа 2

The girls are looking at stamps because Josie has a school project about them. She finds stamps interesting and tries to show Lucy the oldest stamp in the world, but Lucy is not very interested and decides to go to the library instead. Later, Lucy joins a spelling bee competition and has to spell the word "philately," which she initially struggles with but eventually spells correctly and wins. In the end, she realizes that philately isn't as boring as she thought.

1. "Sounds pretty boring."
2. "Beats me."
3. "Actually, I have to run. I’m going to the library."
4. "You’re kidding! I thought you hated that kind of stuff."
5. "I can’t find your book. I searched all the titles that start with ‘f’."

Сторінка 9

Вправа 3
1. This is one of the most modern buildings in the city.
2. Steve did better than I did in the exam.
3. The blue backpack is less expensive than the red one.
4. Fay doesn’t get up as early as Daniel.

Вправа 4
The difference between "French" and "fridge" lies in the pronunciation of the sounds /tʃ/ and /dʒ/. Words like "checked," "match," and "century" contain the /tʃ/ sound, while words like "jeans," "teenager," and "imagine" contain the /dʒ/ sound.
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...хз 25.03.2025 - 22:07
Вау просто супер 3 роки списую ніхто і не помічає😏😝
Повилитель анчоусов
Повилитель анчоусов 25.03.2025 - 21:15
Гімназія недогарки всем привет
Господин 25.03.2025 - 20:32
діти в коментарях такі оригінальні
Пухааа 25.03.2025 - 17:38
Шо твориться ?
Піпідастр 25.03.2025 - 17:27
Я ни вмію виберати  сторінку поможіт