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Англійська мова 8 клас Мітчелл 2025 Зошит відповіді

ГДЗ Англійська мова 8 клас Мітчелл 2025 Зошит

Сторінка 4:


A: School starts soon, Jerry!
B: Yes, but I'm not in your class. My parents are doing homeschooling with me this year.

A: Do Paul and Chloe have dinner and sleep at their school?
B: Yes. They go to a boarding school.

A: Oh no! I've cut my hand with the scissors.
B: Go to the first aid room. It's next to the library.

A: Excuse me, can I have piano and violin lessons here?
B: Of course! This is a music school!

A: Look! There's a basketball court, a swimming pool and a tennis court at that school.
B: That's right. It's a sports school.

A: Why is Fiona in the headteacher’s office?
B: She’s got a problem with two of her classmates.

A: Do we practise the school play in the classroom?
B: No. We go to the drama room for that.

1 – b
2 – b
3 – a

Сторінка 5:

1. Joan usually plays basketball at the weekend.
2. Dina never treats her teachers with respect.
3. Louise’s important match starts at two o’clock.
4. Alex is not walking to school at the moment.
5. On Mondays, Tim often hangs out with Harry and Kevin after school.

1. I don’t want to play computer games today.
2. Do you understand all the questions?
3. Are you seeing Mr Oliver later?
4. I know Ian — he goes to my school.
5. Harriet is enjoying her hobby at the moment.

1 – e
2 – a
3 – b
4 – c
5 – d

Сторінка 6:

1. Henry’s got the flu again. It’s the second time this year that he’ll miss school.
2. I didn’t do well in the test today. I hope I don’t fail.
3. My parents are going to let me go on a camping trip if I get good results in my exams in June!
4. Amanda brought a board game with her so we can play it during break time.
5. We’re moving house this summer, so next year I’m going to attend a different school.
6. Sorry, I can’t come over. I’m sitting for a maths test tomorrow and I have to revise for it.
7. I studied all week for the exam, so I’m sure I’ll pass it.

1. Watch this video! It’s pretty funny!
2. Are you doing well at school at the moment?
3. I think Sandy and Rose are the coolest kids in my year.
4. This magazine is more interesting than surfing the Net.
5. Ashley says that gymnastics is the most exciting thing to watch.
6. We are not as surprised as you about the trip on Monday.

1 - stamps
2 - search
3 - let
4 - turn
5 - nervous
6 - stuff
7 - titles
I collect something and perhaps you think it’s boring, but I collect stamps. I’ve got about 100 now and they’re from all over the world.
How do I find them? Well, I search online and sometimes my parents let me attend special events for people who enjoy the same free-time activity as me.
Today it’s my turn to find a library book for teens. I need to tell them about it at an event this weekend. I feel nervous because I’m giving a short presentation, and I don’t usually do stuff like that. There are lots of different titles. This one is Collecting Things. It looks perfect.

Сторінка 7

1 - older
2 - quickly
3 - earlier
4 - worst

1 - e. Come again?
2 - f. Sort of.
3 - d. What for?
4 - b. Give it a go!
5 - c. Well, I guess not.
6 - a. Beats me!

1. The spelling bee was extremely challenging, but I did my best.
2. She spelled every word correctly and won the competition easily.
3. The participants were very nervous, but they performed amazingly.
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...хз 25.03.2025 - 22:07
Вау просто супер 3 роки списую ніхто і не помічає😏😝
Повилитель анчоусов
Повилитель анчоусов 25.03.2025 - 21:15
Гімназія недогарки всем привет
Господин 25.03.2025 - 20:32
діти в коментарях такі оригінальні
Пухааа 25.03.2025 - 17:38
Шо твориться ?
Піпідастр 25.03.2025 - 17:27
Я ни вмію виберати  сторінку поможіт